7:59 PM(Leave a comment)
Hello Crafters!
Today I will show you my last work for the design team.
Scrapiniec is a polish shop that create and sell awesome chipboards -- they have TONS of them, any shape and they also have some italian words!
The chipboard material is kinda thin so you have to be careful when you handle thin chipboard like the frame I used!
In these six months I bonded a lot with this Design Team and for me is really sad to leave this team.
Dominika is a really sweet and amazing person and always really there for you whenever you need help -- and Alicja is such a great DT Manager, also I had some really talented companion!
Said this, I want to show you the TAG I made as my last work!
I started from a kraft TAG that I started coloring with spray color I made using Primary Elements by ColourArte.
Would you believe me if I tell you that I started this tag using yellow and blue? Definitely this TAG took a turn! haha

I covered my chipboard with gesso and I glued it to the background of my TAG.
I decided non to add many things on this TAG because my background was already busy and I didn't want to make it "too much".
I love the script "Forever" and it fits perfectly into my frame.
The frame is formed by two piece of chipboard, one is really detailed and it is the one on the top, meanwhile the one at the bottom is just the base of it.
And here's the finished TAG:
I hope you will like the result, as always for any comments, questions, suggestions etc etc please leave a comment HERE !
Stay happy, stay creative! Till next time, xoxo!