Christmas Mini Canvas
11:09 PM(Leave a comment)
Hello Crafters!
Today I want to show you a small altered canvas that I made for the challange Take It Make It sul blog di Craft Stamper. These days I had a bad "relationship" with my Mac, I literally wanted to throw it from the window!! Nothing was working and it really made me tired and stressed.
On the top of that, part of the video has been deleted (don't ask me how this was possible as I don't know it my self either! LOL) Soooo...the video I will show you is REALLY quick and fast...but keep in mind that I am always here and available to answer all your questions. It may take me few days sometimes as I disconnect periodically from Internet to have some "me" time, but I answer as soon as possible!
Before showing you my project, it is fair that I point out that I was VERY inspired by this old project from Jen Marie Randall. She used a shoe box, I altered a small canvas.
Said this, here is what I created :

This is the video, again, bear with me as it is super fast!
I hope you will like the result, as always for any comments, questions, suggestions etc etc please leave a comment HERE !
Stay happy, stay creative!
Till next time, xoxo!